Lise Bruneau


See Lise in

by William Shakespeare
Taffety Punk Theatre Company

a Riot Grrls
directed by Michelle Shupe
Click here for more info.

See below for more NEWS.



See Lise in

by William Shakespeare
Taffety Punk Theatre Company

a Riot Grrls
directed by Michelle Shupe
Click here for more info.

See below for more NEWS.
Lise Bruneau

See Lise in

by William Shakespeare
Taffety Punk Theatre Company

a Riot Grrls
directed by Michelle Shupe

Click here for more info.

See below for more NEWS.

See Lise in

by William Shakespeare
Taffety Punk Theatre Company

a Riot Grrls
directed by Michelle Shupe
Click here for more info.

See below for more NEWS.


Lise is playing the title role in the Riot Grrrls’ production of Shakespeare’s The Tragedie of Macbeth at Taffety Punk Theatre Company. Sep 25 - Oct 12 at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop in Washington, DC. 

With an all-female cast directed by Michelle Shupe, the show features fight choreography by Lorraine Ressegger-Slone. Set designed by Jessica Moretti. Lights by Katie McCreary. Costumes by Elizabeth Morton.

Get Tix Today


Lise was delighed to join fellow company member Tonya Beckman as one of the narrators of Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis - a concert poem produced by Taffety Punk Theatre Company. April 18 - 27 at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop in Washington, DC. 

The actors appeared with dancer Sarina Martinez de Osaba. The show was directed by Marcus Kyd and featured choreography by Erin Mitchell Nelson and original music by Kathy Cashel.


Lise directed the recent production of The Oresteia at Chesapeake Shakespeare Company and is getting rave reviews. The show runs through March 10. Get tickets here.  (Production photo by Kiirstn PaganPhotography.)

"Perfect production, beautifully staged!” —— Broadway World

Vividly staged and captivating!”  —— DC Theatre Arts

Isabelle Anderson as Clytemnestra in The Oresteia, directed by Lise Bruneau at Chesapeake Shakespeare Company.

Isabelle Anderson as Clytemnestra

Lise has been nominated for a Helen Hayes Award for her terrific work in Leo McGann’s The Honey Trap, directed by Matt Torney, which ran at Solas Nua at the end of 2023.  (Production photo by Ryan Maxwell.)

“Another marvelous performance from Lise Bruneau.” — Washington Post

Lise as Sonia in Leo McGanns The Honey Trap at Solas Nua. With co-star Jonathon Holmes.
solasnua thehoneytrap 4 800x600 1

Next up, Lise will join fellow company member Tonya Beckman and dancer Sarina Martinez de Osaba for an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis at Taffety Punk Theatre Company. Shows start April 18. More soon!

In 2023, Lise enjoyed a terrific run at Asolo Repertory Theatre in Sarasota, FL where she appeared in Lauren Gunderson’s Silent Sky, directed by Seema Sueko, and Incident at Our Lady of Perpetual Help by Katie Forgette, directed by Celine Rosenthal. 

In the summer of 2022 Lise was in New York, in the cast of Robert Icke’s classical double header Hamlet and The Oresteia at the Park Avenue Armory. The shows ran through August 13, 2022. The production team and cast muscled through the run in spite of multiple Covid-19 infections.


Angels in America

By Tony Kushner
Lise as the Angel, with Garrett  Dillahunt as Prior Walter; directed by Mark Wing-Davey, at ACT  in San Francisco. Photo by Peter DaSilva.


by Lynn Nottage
Lise as  Tracey, directed by Loretta Greco at ACT in San Francisco. Photo by Kevin Berne.

Watch on the Rhine

by Lillian Hellman
Lise as Sara Müller, directed by Jackie Maxwell at Arena Stage in Washington, DC. Photo by C. Stanley Photography.

Heartbreak House

by George Bernard Shaw
Lise as Hesione Hushabye with Robert Sicular as Boss Mangan; directed by Bruce K. Sevy at the Denver Center.


by William Shakespeare
Lise as Iago, directed by Kelsey Mesa at Taffety Punk Theatre Company in Washington, DC. Photo by Teresa Castracane.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

by William Shakespeare
Lise as Titania, with J Paul Boehmer as Oberon; directed by Darko Tresnjak at the Old Globe in San Diego. Photo by Craig Schwarz.

The Revolutionists

by Lauren Gunderson
Lise is Olympe de Gouges, with Jessica Lynn Carroll as Marie Antoinette; directed by Eleanor Holdridge at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. Photo by Mikki Schaffner.

The Rape of Lucrece

by William Shakespeare
Lise as the Narrator; directed by Marcus Kyd with Taffety Punk Theatre Company, performing at the Black Cat in Washington, DC. Photo by C. Stanley.

Broken Glass

by Arthur Miller
Lise as Sylvia Gellburg with Paul Morella as Phillip Gelburg; directed by Aaron Posner at Theater J in Washington, DC. Photo by Teresa Wood. 

The Winter’s Tale

by William Shakespeare
Lise as Hermione; directed by Jesse Berger at Great Lakes Theatre.

Richard III

by William Shakespeare
Lise as Queen Elizabeth, with Andrew Borba as Richard III; directed by Matthew Arbour at St. Louis Shakespeare Festival. Photo by J. David Levy.

Cherry Orchard - Opening

Cast feature photo; opening night of The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekov; directed by Simon Godwin at Roundabout Theatre Company, NY. Photo by Walter McBride.


San Francisco Chronicle:

"Bruneau is luminously magnetic."

Washington Post:

"Bruneau is a force of nature."

Wall Street Journal:

"I hate to single out one player for special comment, but I couldn't take my eyes off Lise Bruneau."

San Francisco Chronicle

“The kind of acting that reminds a viewer what theater is all about."

"She is glowingly charismatic, piercingly intelligent. She is incredible."

Stephen A. Black 

author of Eugene O’Neill: Beyond Mourning and Tragedy

"Her voice is so beautifully expressive that one wants to hear her sing."




If you are interested in hiring Lise Bruneau please contact


(212) 840-6787
165 W 46th St #910
New York, NY 10036

Teresa Wolf
Kym Smith